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11 Best Bars Los Angeles – A Must Visit

Best Bars Los Angeles

Weather is always chilly in Los Angeles, so to warm up yourself with a cocktail or beer in happy hours is always a great idea. The best bars Los Angeles has to offer to enjoy a drink or dine with your friends and family.

Best Bars Los Angeles

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To your surprise, the popping bars in Los Angeles offer trendy and the best-tasting drinks with a bright rooftop lounge, indoor and outdoor options with an incredible view. A combination of dining and drinking at discounted prices is always the best option.

If you are looking for the classic and unique bars offering the mind-blowing drinks with the blend of local and international ingredients. Here we are going to share the list of some must-visit bars in Los Angeles.

Either you are partying with family and friends at these places or merely enjoy your drink with the best accompany ever, i.e. ‘You’ at any corner of the bar.

Brace yourself with some awesome drinks at the best bars Los Angeles

1Best Bars Los Angeles: Gracias Madre Los Angeles

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You can enjoy highly processed flavors of drink at Gracias Madre bar where farm fresh, agave-based cocktail is served which was started by Jason Eisner the Beverage Director.

Gracias Madre LA offers an unforgettable drink experience. This bar facilitates reservations, deliveries, and pickups.

The icing on the cake is the bar also offers cuisines inspired by Mexican ingredients grown organically.

2The Varnish Los Angeles

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The Varnish Los Angeles, a classic bar offers trendy and improved whiskey & cocktails made by experts. You also have the option of letting the bartender present you with the flavored cocktails in the cozy wooden booths.

The drinks are made with special ingredients, such as, berries, juices, herbs, and a range of premium spirit drinks for which The Varnish LA honored with the prestigious label of ‘Best American Cocktail Bar’.

On the top of all, this bar offers a combination of the warm and dark interiors with classic design and the soft Jazz music in the background with the amazing services and hospitality which is something beyond words.

3Rosaline LA

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Rosaline, a restaurant, and bar which is located in West Hollywood, United States. Rosaline was named after mother of Chef Ricardo Zarate.

What adds to the beauty of this place? The design and architecture of Rosaline which was done by Kevin Tsai.

The bartenders use Japanese flavors and ingredients for making the best drinks, at the same time, keeping the essence of South American drinks.

The most appealing thing about this place is the modern indoor and outdoor dining space which is filled with greenery and lighting throughout.

4Walker Inn Los Angeles

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Walker inn is a perfect place for having drinks with your friends where you can have unique cocktail experience and Omakase-Style services.

Due to the limited capacity of Walker Inn, first- come, the first-serve system is being followed. Interestingly, reservations are available and also the option of the waiting list for the next available table.

Don’t forget to think once before canceling the table as cancellation charges are applicable.

5Mikkeller Bar Los Angeles

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Mikkeller bar is the top-quality beer bar owned and operated by Mikkel Borg Bjergso partnership with Chuck Stilphen.

This place is extensively spacious with the glass frontage that gives the opportunity to customers to fill their belly with varieties of cocktails and beer. You also have the option to choose table seating or booths as per your preferences.

6Sotto Los Angeles

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Sotto is located in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles which is operated by Chef de Cuisine Craig Towe and Executive Chef Steve Samson.

One can try the seasonal cocktail program, Italian liqueurs, and Southern Italian Boutique Wine at Sotto LA.

It is important to note, this place is lively and romantic which is suitable for a date and night parties with top-class services making your time at Sotto all the more wonderful.

7Broken Shaker Los Angeles

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Broken Shaker is located in the centre of the city of Los Angeles which offers small cocktails with homemade ingredients and flavors.

This hotel & bar is a winner of ‘Best American Hotel Bar’ award for Tales of the Cocktails.

You can also make a reservation for a poolside table or on the rooftop for classic views while having best-tasting drinks like mescal and tequila.

8Everson Royce Bar Los Angeles

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Everson Royce Bar has arrays of beer and wines focusing on rare Japanese whiskeys, cocktails, wine, and Barrel-Aged Cocktails.

You may also opt for Omakase order where you let the bartender make your drink with his own creativity.

This bar has an interior bar area and outdoor yard having huge space, usually, this place remains crowded. Ever Royce Bar serves both good drinks and good food.

9Tiki-Ti Los Angeles

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Tiki-Ti is a small bar with just 12 seats and tables against walls which is located in Hollywood is amongst the best bars Los Angeles.

This bar serves exclusive drinks which are owned by Tropical Drink Bar for five decades. The bar menu covers all the Tiki drinks at a reasonable price.

Musso and Frank Grill Los Angeles


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Musso and Frank Grill were established in 1919 by businessman Frank Toulet with partners French Chef Jean Rue and Oregon restaurateur Joseph Musso.

Authentic dining, outstanding services, excellent food and drinks in the Hollywood style being the reason of popularity of this restaurant.

10Accomplice LA

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An accomplice is located in Grand View Boulevard, Los Angeles which offers signature cocktails like cognac, toasted, green tea, a sherry, and the Midnight Tommy; whiskey made with sesame, ginger, sesame, and amaretto with an Asian touch.

Accomplice LA is a great place for parties and casual night specialized in the carafe and the glass. This bar is the one-stop shop for cocktails and Kung pao.

Hope you enjoyed going through best bars Los Angeles. Stay tuned!

Happy New Year Wishes | Greetings| Images | Quotes | Wallpapers

New year wishes

As we entering the new year with new hopes, fervor, and warmth for new experiences in the upcoming year.  On new year eve, undoubtedly your phones, Instagram, Facebook walls etc. going to be flooded with new year wishes, greetings, messages, and quotes.

At the beginning of this day, you wish best for your family, friends, near and dear ones. Insidehumans has some special collections of new year wishes, greetings, and quotes, check out, guys!

New Year Wishes and Greetings 


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new year greetingsSource: Click here


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Happy New Year

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New Year Quotes

”Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” – Oprah Winfrey

“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.” – Hal Borland

“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.” -Edith Lovejoy Pierce

“We spend January 1 walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives… not looking for flaws, but for potential.” -Ellen Goodman

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” -Carl Bard

“Let our New Year’s resolution be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.” -Goran Persson

“Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, Whispering ‘it will be happier.” -Alfred Tennyson

“Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” -Carl Bard

The new year brings new hopes and resolutions to make our lives, even more, better. You must have some exciting new year celebration plan (theme parties, house parties, club etc.)beforehand, so enjoy this special day as never before. Happy New Year! Have a joyful and blasting New Year, dear friends!

Avocado Pasta Mom’s Special Just For You

Avocado pasta

Avocado Pasta Mom’s Special

Here we are presenting the dinner recipe for Avocado pasta which is quite yummy,  thick, smooth and creamy and on the top of all, this dish is enriched with Vitamin and Proteins for keeping you healthy.

Preparation Time: 5 mins
Cook Time:  10 mins
Total Time:  15 mins

Serves: 4

Avocado-pasta’s Nutrition Facts

Calories                           232                          Calories from Fat            188

Total Fat                         20.9g

Saturated Fat                  3.1g

Polyunsaturated Fat        2.7g                         Monounsaturated Fat        13.9g

Carbohydrates               11.9g                         Dietary Fiber                   9.9g

Sugars                              1g                           Protein                              2.9g

Main Ingredients:

  • 300g pasta (penne, spaghetti, fettuccine, whatever you choose)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 avocados (ripe)
  • pepper (to taste)
  • salt ( to taste)
  • parmesan (to serve)
  • fresh basil (to serve)

Steps to Follow

Step 1: Fill a large pan with water and put the pasta on to boil.

Step 2:  In the meantime, the pasta is cooking, you slice the avocados in two equal parts, then remove the avocado stones and scoop the material into a bowl, after that mash.

Step 3: Add some olive oil (just a few drops) to make the sauce a smooth consistency.

Step 4: Now, you can add a sprinkle of salt and pepper (optional).

Step 5: Once cooked, drain off the pasta water.

Step 6: And combine the pasta and the avocado sauce.

Step 7: Sprinkle with grated  Parmesan and fresh basil to serve.

Avocado-pasta a super tasty, quick and easy to make dinner for your family, add some garlic for extra taste, interestingly, avocado is used by keeping its health benefits in mind.

Keep your lifestyle healthy with healthy food and don’t miss trying the avocado pasta at home. This dinner recipe will surely satisfy your craving for fresh and good food.

Keep Reading! Keep Motivating!

More on Avacado:

Mums Special Avocado Egg Quesadilla Recipe

Avocado Juice Recipe Easy To Make At Home

Alert! Avocados Side Effects You Must Be Aware of

Bag Baked Trout With Ginger Soy – All Time Special

Bag baked trout with ginger soy

All-time special Bag baked trout with ginger soy

Here we present an easy to quick and healthiest bag baked trout with ginger soy recipe that just takes a few minutes to cook, we do understand that our folks hardly have time to cook due to their hectic schedule. So, here we start with the recipe.

Bag baked trout with ginger soy recipe

Preparation Time:  5 Mins
Cook  Time: 10mins
Total Time:  15 mins

Serves: 1

Main Ingredients:

  • For greasing sunflower oil
  • 1- rainbow trout (pin bones removed and filleted )
  • 6- thin slices of fresh ginger
  • 1 -tbsp water
  • 1- tbsp soy sauce
  • 1- tbsp rice wine vinegar

For the dressing

  • 1 – tbsp sunflower oil
  • 2 – finely chopped spring onions
  • 1 – tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 – tbsp rice wine vinegar
  • 1/2- tbsp sesame oil
  • 1/2-tbsp grated fresh ginger
  • 1/2 tbsp clear honey

Steps to Follow

Set the oven at  200°C /400°F/Gas mark 6  to preheat with a baking sheet in the oven.

Step 1: Cut 2 large pieces of foil and grease with sunflower oil, then lay the fish fillets on the foil and place 3 slices of ginger on each one.

Step 3: Mix the vinegar, soy sauce, and water together and spoon over the fish.

Step 4: Wrap the foil to form a parcel, using metal paper clips to help secure the parchment or scrunching the foil.

Step 5: Put on the baking sheet and bake for 10 minutes.

Step 6: In the Meantime, in a small frying pan heat the sunflower oil.

Step 7: Add the ginger and onions and when they start to sizzle, then take the frying pan off the heat and set aside.

Step 8: Unwrap the fish foil and remove the ginger – transfer the fish to the plates, palette knife or using a fish slice and sliding in between the fish and to remove the skin from the cooked fish.

Step 9: Pour any juices left in the foil into the frying pan after that adding vinegar, sesame oil, and honey the soy sauce.

Step 10: Stir together after that spoon over the fish and serve immediately.

Now, make this delicious recipe and have a good time with a tempting meal enrich with protein and nutrition. Stay healthy, stay tuned !!


Everyone’s Favourite Beef and Broccoli Stir-Fry

Beef and Broccoli
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Everyone’s favourite Beef and broccoli stir-fry

Beef and Broccoli Stir Fry

Image Source: Click here

A simple and yummy dinner recipe ‘Beef and broccoli stir-fry’ just for you and your family, don’t worry about all those funny extra ingredients, here we are sharing a simple and delicious recipe for a healthy dish. Let’s start with recipe step by step.

Beef and Broccoli Stir-fry Recipe 

Preparation Time:  10 mins
Cook Time:  10 mins
Total Time:  20 mins

Serves: 2 people

Nutrition Facts

Calories                         243                            Sodium                      559 mg

Potassium                      413 mg                      Saturated                         3 g

Polyunsaturated              2 g                             Dietary Fiber                  1 g

Monounsaturated            5 g                             Total Fat                         11 g

Sugars                             5 g                           Total Carbs                    10 g

Protein                            25 g                           Cholesterol                    67 mg

Vitamin A                        13%                           Calcium                          2%

Vitamin C                        50%                           Iron                                18%

Main Ingredients:

  • ¼ tbsp sugar
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tbsp ground ginger
  • 2 tbsp corn flour
  • 3 minced, cloves of garlic,
  • 1 tbsp cooking oil
  • 1 chopped, head of broccoli
  • 200g beef
  • noodles or rice (to serve)

Steps to Follow

Step 1:  Mix ground ginger, sugar, corn flour, soy sauce and garlic – set to one side.

Step 2: Cut the beef into strips (to save time you can buy sliced stir-fry beef), then cook in a pan on a high heat.

Step 3: Once cooked, set to another side.

Step 4: In another pan (put the beef in a bowl) heat some oil, add broccoli, then cook for 3 minutes.

Step 4: Add beef and again cook for 3 minutes.

Step 4: Add soy sauce mixture and cook for 3 minutes more, stirring all the time.

Step 4: Now, Serve with rice or noodles

Super tasty!!  Great mid week meal, with beef and broccoli stir-fry, try something different for the healthy meal and great in taste to be served with love!! Visit again for more recipe updates.

Keep Reading, Keep Motivating!!

Mum’s Special: Bacon and Blue Cheese Pasta

Blue Cheese Pasta
Source: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/53322cc0e4b02a856077cdfc/t/54e69049e4b01dbc250616c8/1424396398300/IMG_0308.jpg

Mum’s special Bacon and Blue cheese pasta


Image Source: Click here

Family’s favourite, mum’s special dinner recipe bacon and blue cheese pasta healthy and nutritious, very easy to cook just 12 minutes and a delicious dinner meal for the family is ready.

Blue Cheese Pasta Recipe

Preparation Time:  2 mins
Cook Time:  10 mins
Total Time:  12 mins

Serves: 4

Nutrition Facts

Calories                     92                            Sodium                  362 mg

Total Fat                    7 g                           Saturated                  1 g

Total Carbs                 5 g                           Dietary Fiber             1 g

Sugars                       1 g                           Protein                      3 g

Main Ingredients:

  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • black pepper (to serve)
  • 100g crumbled, blue cheese
  • 350g dried pasta (penne works well)
  • 275g broccoli (cut into small florets and stalks as well)
  • bacon (3 rashers – cut into strips)
  • 100g halved, button mushrooms

Steps to Follow

Step 1: Cook the pasta in a large pan of boiling water for approximately 8 minutes.

Step 2:  Add the broccoli and continue cooking for 2-3 minutes more until the broccoli is tender.

Step 3: In the meantime, heat the olive oil in a frying pan and fry the bacon for 1-2 minutes after that add the mushrooms and fry for another 5 minutes.

Step 4: Drain the pasta and broccoli  (reserve a little pasta water in a mug) and combine with the bacon and mushrooms.

Step 5: Stir in the crumbled blue cheese.

Step 6: Season with black pepper and serve immediately.

Bacon and blue cheese pasta is a highly recommended dinner recipe for families, you will love your night meal just give it a try. Have a lovely time with a delicious dinner. Visit again for more recipe updates.

Keep Reading, Keep Motivating!!

Related Posts:

Yummy Chicken Bacon Wrap With Leeks

Perfect Luxury Fish Pie Recipe For Your Family

Pea Risotto Recipe Will Make Your Day

Family’s Favourite Baked Bean Curry

6 Trendy Tops For Women This Season

trendy tops
Source: https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1j3_CbLNZWeJjSZFpq6xjBFXaD/big-size-woman-tops-short-trendy-tops.jpg

Are you one of those people who love to set a trend for others? Some of you nod in yes, and other would love to follow the style statement already in trend. Are you looking for the trendy tops for women this season; fortunately, you are at the right place!

As matter of fact, when it comes to fashion, especially, we as women love to dress up for parties, outings, dinner dates or on any random day. There is a range of trendy tops to wear and we often get confused which top is apt to wear for the particular event. So, to eliminate your confusion we are sharing a list of trendy tops that can go with any occasion and would give you the best look ever, no matter what your size or shape is, you would feel the comfort and class at the same time. Let’s cut the long story short by painting the town colourful with latest trends of trendy tops for women.

Here is Our Pick List of Trendy Tops for Women to look Classy

We can get an array of colours and patterns for tops available online easily at a reasonable price, a must-have closet top collection for women for a fantastic look. So, what are you waiting for? Grab the best deals right now!


1 Polka Dots

Source: Click Here

This dotted top is evergreen as it remains always in fashion. First choice for the majority of ladies polka dots available in various styles and colors.

2Frock Top

Image Source click here: 1, 2

The creation and idea of frock give the impression that it’s a blend of traditional plus modern wear. Who will deny the classic combination like this!!!

3Flutter Sleeve Top

Image Source: Click here

You can select from our wide collection of sleeve top available in short or long sizes, so carry yourself effortlessly with elegance.

4Cold Shoulder Top

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Women’s all-time favorite cold shoulder top available in different fabrics is the flawless piece to be in their wardrobe. If you are going on a romantic date this top is the perfect choice for you.

5Trendy Tops: Poncho Top

Source: Click Here

A Poncho style top can be wear in any season; you just need to look for its stuff. A fashion-forward top usually gives an amazing look when wearing with straight-fit denim along with fashionable accessories.

6Printed Zip Detail Top

Image Source: Click here

Zip detail that adds grace to your look with simplicity. Printed zip detail top is one of our exclusive collections, you must go for it.

All the lovely ladies out there!  here you have the best options to choose if you are looking for something unique and ultra-modern tops. Do not wait for time!! Without waiting a single moment, grab the special discount. Your first choice; your favorite tops are available for sale on special occasions.

Live in Style!! Feel the Class!! Keep Reading, Keep Motivating!!

Independence Day Highlights And Quotes

Independence Day
Source: http://allwishes.in/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Happy-Independence-Day-2013-1024x589.jpg

Today on 15th August, we proud Indians commemorating 72nd years of our freedom with complete fervour. Here is a glimpse of Independence Day this year.

Highlights of Independence Day


Image Source: Click Here

Let’s have a look at the highlights:

Flag hoisting: On this auspicious day, our honourable Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi hoisted the tricolour national flag at ramparts, Red Fort in New Delhi.

On the eve of Independence Day, Firework, parade, patriotic songs, the national anthem are the limelight.

Speech by Our PM: while delivering his fifth speech during his ongoing tenure wishes a Happy Independence Day to India and spokes about social justice, implementing One Rank One Pension, India’s growth and development, surgical strikes from Red Fort etc.

He also pays homage to our freedom fighters.

Speech by President of India Ram Nath Kovind, he talked about “Ahimsa” and Role of women in society.

Here are some Independence Day quotes

“Dil se niklegi na markar, bhi watan ki ulfat, Meri mitti se bhi, Khushboo-e-watan aaegi”.
Sardar Bhagat Singh

“At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.” – Jawaharlal Nehru

“Freedom is never dear at any price. It is the breath of life. What would a man not pay for living?” – Mahatma Gandhi

Citizenship consists in the service of the country.- Jawaharlal Nehru

” We are Indians firstly and lastly.” – B.R Ambedkar

“True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what’s right” – Brigham Young

Unlike a drop of water which loses its identity when it joins the ocean, man does not lose his being in the society in which he lives. Man’s life is independent. He is born not for the development of the society alone, but for the development of his self. – B. R. Ambedkar

We wish you all a Happy Independence Day! #IndependenceDayIndia #Independedayquotes.


6 Simple Ways to Generate B2B Sales Leads

B2B Sales Leads
Source: http://www.expedrion.neustar/uploads/blog_featured_image/20170620014130__post3.jpg

B2B sales leads, basically are of many types like B2B and B2C which stand for Business to business and business to customer respectively. To put into simpler words, B2B means business where certain organizations, companies or people sell their products to other companies instead of directly selling them to the customer.

B2B Sales Leads

Image Source: Click here

Furthermore, B2B sales are divided into two subtypes. The first type is providing companies with the raw materials, instruments, tools etc. which will further be used by the buying company to create, generate and manufacture their own products.

The second one is rather indirect where the final item is delivered but not directly to the customer. Rather it is delivered to a company or business who can use them for running their companies. Having said that, B2B need not work only in the case of materialistic things, but for a lot more.

In order to promote these B2B sales leads, nowadays a lot of social media and campaigns through other means of communication are taking place. The front end or the user end of these needs to be taken care of. It needs to be made more compelling and human-friendly in order to make the sales success.

As far as making the B2B sales leads is concerned, the very basic requirement is that the offer that is being made needs to be over the edge and outstanding. Once the B2B idea or offer is really compelling, what next to be taken care of next is the promotion strategy. The right audience needs to be reached in the right way.

In order to make B2B sales leads it is really significant for the right kind of marketing to be done. If the marketing and advertising are not done in a proper way, no matter how good the product is, the truth and fact are, nobody will buy it.

The product needs to be made to reach out to an audience as wide as possible. And the strategy to do so needs to be carefully planned. Nowadays, technology is so handy, it has become easier than ever to reach out to a wide audience.

Here are six significant tips to promote your B2B sales better

1Make full use of social media

Bring to the maximum use of every possible social networking medium. Since these days most of the things happen online, this is going to be a boost for your product.

Create profiles and pages for your B2B sales on all social media and keep them updated from time to time.

2Keep it real in the fast-growing virtual world

Yes, you read it right. Not only social media marketing is significant but along with that one also needs to make use of the old ways of communication.

Make sure you have a talk with your clients and keep them updated. Communicate through meetings and talks as much as possible.

This makes a significant impression since it’s always better to keep the communication real.

3Take some serious Q&A sessions

If you want to keep clients engaged, you need to make sure they are clear with what you have to offer.

So, for your B2B sales leads to make sure you take every question asked seriously and answer it as soon as possible.

This makes the client feel important and also gives an impression of you being serious about your sales.

Take sessions on all the social media allowing clients and companies to ask your question and make sure you answer them promptly.

4B2b sales leads: Ask for feedback

Once you deliver your B2B sales successfully to a client, make sure to take a feedback from them.

Ask them to either fill up a feedback form and display it on your website or tell them to directly leave a review on your social media.

This is important because once you get a review and you publish it on your website, the future clients are going to find it handy whether or not to go with your B2B sales.

It also creates a positive impact if the reviews your B2B sales gets are positive.

Also, you get feedback and suggestions on what all points you can work to make your B2B sales even better.

5More and more ads

Make sure you create ads on all social media platforms, paid or free.

Advertisements online have a major impact on the client because if the advertisement is catchy enough, you get a first-hand client directly.

Also, run other advertisements on your website to increase traffic so that your B2B sales reach out to a large number of audience.

6Keep the SEO real good

SEO stands for search engine optimization. This is a really key feature because Google search is getting better with each passing day.

So, make sure you use backlinks wherever necessary and also, know the importance of using the keywords. Promoting a product or sales is easy and highly efficient if done in the right manner.

Social media provides a huge platform to put your best foot forward and create advertisements reaching out to an audience larger than ever. And because of this, it’s all a game of proper marketing nowadays.

So, get on the social networking and give your B2B sales a much required and deserved boost.

Healthy Chilli Con Carne Recipe You Must Try

Chilli Con Carne recipe
Source: https://www.justspices.de/rezepte/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/rsz_shutterstock_153403271.jpg

Grandmom’s special BLW Chunky Chilli Con Carne Recipe


Image Source: Click here

Usually, the majority of us love to dine with our family and especially when the meal is cooked by your mom or grandmom, right?? Here we are presenting grandmom’s special BLW Chunky Chilli Con Carne recipe an ultimate recipe which is a general idea for family dinner to have chunks of mince and vegetables in a dish.

Chilli Con Carne Recipe

Preparation Time:  10 mins
Cook  Time: 20 mins
Total Time:  30 mins

Serves: 4

Nutrition Facts

Calories                            279              Calories from Fat            133

Total Fat                       14.8g               Saturated Fat                  6.8g

Cholesterol                    44mg               Sodium                          762mg

Potassium                    415.8mg            Carbohydrates                23.6g

Polyunsaturated Fat        1.7g                Monounsaturated Fat       5.2g

Protein                          13.2g               Vitamin A                         12%

Vitamin C                          6%               Calcium                             19%

Iron 13%

Main Ingredients:

  • garlic (1x clove)
  • sour cream (to serve)
  • grated cheddar cheese (to serve)
  • ¼ tbsp chilli powder
  • 1 onion
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 small tin red kidney beans
  • 1 courgette
  • 250g lean minced beef (could use chicken or minced pork, optional)
  • 250g passata (finely sieved tomatoes)

Steps to Follow

Step 1: Take the minced beef out of the packet and cut into finger chunks

Step 2:  Dry fry  until brown in a hot pan

Step 3: Finely slice the garlic, then slice pepper, onion, and courgette into large, chunky slices

Step 4:  Add these to a separate pan from the mince with a little oil and fry until softened

Step 5: Add in the kidney, chilli powder, and beans passata and stir well.

Step 6: Add the mince into the mixture and leave to simmer for around 10 minutes and if the sauce gets too dry turn the heat down or add a tiny bit of water.

Step 7: Leave it to cool in the pan, divide up into parts serve with homemade potato wedges, a sprinkle of grated cheddar, and a dollop of sour cream.

Hey!! a great family dinner recipe for spices and flavours lovers. Chilli Con Carne Recipe is a favourite in the household.

Related Posts:

Perfect Luxury Fish Pie Recipe For Your Family

Yummy Chicken Bacon Wrap With Leeks

Family’s Favourite Baked Bean Curry

Pea Risotto Recipe Will Make Your Day

Keep Reading! Keep Motivating!