5 Life Lessons To Learn Before You Turn 30

    Life Lessons

    Life lessons are power-house of positive thinking that comes from gradual learning and through your experiences.

    Life has a smarter way to teach through ups and downs.

    I’ve learned, we need to unlearn some old learnings and relearn new things that make us a better person.

    Whenever I feel low or excited, I tend to listen to music, podcasts, or read some motivational/inspirational quotes, books, and blogs on life.

    To my surprise, I unconsciously learned some of the great life lessons through this process that have changed my life dramatically.

    Today, I’m sharing these lessons with you and really hope there will be something for you to learn and implement in your life as well for positive outcomes.

    5 life lessons that I’ve learned:

    1Its Takes Time To Build A New Habit

    You can’t form a new habit overnight.

    How long it takes to inculcate a new habit is varies from person to person.

    Where willpower, consistency, circumstances, and your behavior plays a major role.

    Robin Sharma the bestselling author and motivational speaker mentioned in his book ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’ – it takes 21 days to form a simple habit for positive changes in your life.

    For this, make sure you set a clear goal, create positive pressure, attach timelines to your goal.

    Be consistence with your goal for straight 21 days and slowly it becomes your lifestyle, just enjoy the process.

    For example, you love junk food and are lethargic to exercise but want to lose weight and you struggle, only with strong willpower, and consistency you can make it happen.

    Charles Duhigg -” With time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.”

    2Life Lessons: Fuel Your Self-Confidence

    First, be courageous and free yourself from the bars of your comfort zone.

    Don’t fear! acknowledge your hidden potential and make your life thrilling, exciting, and fulfilling.

    If you fear heights, water, or public speaking just give it a try no matter how difficult the situation seems and overcome your fear, you’ll see the difference.

    www.goodreads.com – “Its take courage to grow up and become who you really are”

    Marilyn Ferguson – “Ultimately we know deeply that the other side of the fear is freedom”

    3Celebrate Other’s Success

    When it comes to the success of others, It’s just a matter of your attitude.

    Embrace the success of others in a sincere way; you‘ll feel a huge surge in happiness, positivity, and personal satisfaction.

    Just stop comparing yourself to others. We all are unique and have different talents.

    Do you remember? how did you feel when someone received an award for their hard work, a better job, promotion?

    Was it happiness or jealousy? And the time when you achieved something, how was the feeling? Analyze your inner self often.

    Susan Elizabeth Phillips -“Celebrate the success of others. High tides floats all ships.”

    4Try Not To Judge Others

    I’ve come to realize that one of the things that make me unhappy is judgments. Even if I’m making judgements or someone else is passing judgements

    Very often, this makes everyone unhappy in some or the other way! How not to judge others is simple in theory, and very difficult in practice.

    Judgment comes to us so naturally but, it takes lot of conscious effort and much practice to stop doing it.

    Here’s what I remind myself to stop judging:

    Paulo Coelho – “If someone isn’t what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.”

    Wayne Dyer – “When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.

    5Give Honest Appreciation or Compliment

    Always appreciate or compliment the other person if you really feel they’ve done something good or have some amazing qualities.

    Sometimes you hesitate, or some have ego issues or some have jealousy factors because of which you don’t compliment the other person.

    Don’t stop yourself from giving a genuine compliment. Praising someone costs nothing but makes the other person happier. Agree?

    Appreciations can be in written, verbal, or in gestures; choose the one you are most comfortable with.

    For instance, you can try these words for appreciation or compliments: You are gorgeous! Great job! Way to go! You Rock!  And many more.

    Unknown -“You have the power of make someone feel valued”

    Becky Higgins – Part of cultivating a good life is giving compliments to others. Not just thinking them.

    Life lessons are gems if you use them wisely. So, what are your life lessons? I’m excited to know, share your any 1 or 2 life lessons in the comment section.


    1. Such an Amazing article 🥰🥰 As we learn something new daily in every aspect of life 🤗🤗 It enhances confidence and experience ❤️

    2. Nice article.👌👌

      For me which I had learned is,
      1. Never run from a situation
      2. Don’t hesitate to ask whether it make sense or not becoz sometimes nonsense makes sensible meanings.

    3. This is so positive ❤️❤️With so much negativity outside, reading this gives us hope..we can change for better…world can change for better👍🙏

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